Episode 10
Seeds & Saddles with Trevor Claiborn and Jermo Reese
Frankie’s Corner Little Thoroughbred Crusade introduces children and youth to various aspects of the equestrian world. They provide a combination of hands on experiences as well as general horsemanship and equine education. This program opens up an avenue for scholarship in our community by encouraging participation in an unconventional sport.
Farmer Brown Tha' MC is a Hip-Hop themed educational program designed to entertain, engage, and educate elementary and middle school students in urban & rural schools and communities in the important fields of agriculture and natural sciences.
Together these men have created Seeds n' Saddles, an agriculture and horsemanship focused program aiming to educate students on the basics of agriculture from seed to harvest and the relationship horses have to the world of agriculture and farming. In this episode, Jermo and Trevor discuss how they established their relationship through networking and their journey together as they build impactful programs in their communities.
Mentioned in this episode:
Frankie’s Corner Little Thoroughbred Crusade https://www.frankiescorner.org/
Farmer Brown Tha' MC https://www.farmerbrownthamc.com/
Kentucky State University Cooperative Extension https://kysu.edu/academics/cafsss/cooperative-extension/
Locust Trace Tech School https://www.fcps.net/LocustTrace
Advice for the future:
- Don’t be afraid to change the narrative
- Be comfortable being uncomfortable
- Every action has to be constructive and don’t wait for someone to do it for you.