Episode 21
Gardens, Horses and What's in the YBE Kitchen
Published on:
26th March, 2021
Life update in this episode! Here are the major topics:
- Garden Plans: We talked about our garden plans for this spring and what plants we are excited to grow.
- Awkward naming conventions for horse programs (and some that are doing it right!)
- Setting boundaries for YBE collaborations
- A new event Summer of 2021
- Concrete Cowboy movie coming out April 2nd! - PURA is raising money for a new home https://www.gofundme.com/f/concrete-cowboy-fresh-start-for-philly-youth?qid=881eaef841e7062a1134aab7cb778463
Head over to our Instagram or Facebook page (@youngblackequestrians) and tell us what you are planning for your garden!